The river and the flower, 2014.
Mixed Media on canvas, 105 x 105 cm
A breath, 2012
Mixed Media on canvas,1 50 x 120 cm.
The great tree, 2021.
Mixed Media on canvas, 175 x 175 cm.
I robbed the woods, 2015.
Mixed Media on canvas, 25 x 22 cm.
A petal, a thorn, 2015.
Mixed Media on canvas, 23,5 x 26,5 cm.
Have crawled to far, 2015.
Mixed Media on canvas, 24,5 x 30 cm.
Allways feel a doubt, 2015.
Mixed Media on canvas, 30 x 30 cm.
The trusting flower, 2015.
Mixed Media on canvas, 28 x 22 cm.